Changes to Content AFR

Changes to content from the Australian Financial Review

 Nine Entertainment Company has decided to withdraw The Australian Financial Review (AFR) from the Copyright Agency and deal directly with media monitoring organisations like Isentia. 

Under the new arrangements, which came into effect on February 17, all media monitoring organisations are only permitted to provide clients with access to full print and online media items where those clients have individual subscriptions to the AFR.  

Isentia’s backend technology is still able to access AFR media items and we’ll continue to utilise our market-leading relevance capabilities to deliver content that matters to our clients. This content will include the headline, first paragraph, and standard metadata on each media item to all clients whether they have individual AFR subscriptions, or not. 

We’ve worked hard under tight time constraints to provide Isentia clients with the best possible experience. If you do have an AFR subscription, from February 18 you’ll be able to authorise your subscription email in the settings area of Mediaportal or your Isentia app. Linking your AFR subscription with your Isentia service will integrate AFR content wherever possible for a seamless user experience. 

Despite this reduction in access for clients, the fees media monitoring organisations pay to the AFR will increase substantially under the new arrangements. Isentia will be absorbing these increased fees and will not be passing them on to our clients. 

We understand that reduced access to the AFR will be frustrating for many of our clients. Isentia does not agree with the path taken by the AFR, but we understand the reasoning behind their decision. Keeping our clients informed is what keeps us up at night, and we’ve tried to negotiate a better deal for all Isentia clients. Isentia continues to comply with all copyright requirements and our various licences allow us to provide the largest and most diverse set of content available from any media monitoring organisation in Australia today. 

Isentia will continue to champion high-quality, sustainable journalism and the critical services provided by media monitoring organisations. Organisations like ours are an important part of a robust and thriving media ecosystem, and we take great pride in connecting key media content with the key decision-makers in Australia, New Zealand, and across Asia Pacific. 

The AFR has asked that Isentia customers who wish to purchase a corporate subscription contact Agos Garola, the Co-Head of Corporate Subscriptions & Licensing – Acting at the Australian Financial Review, via


How has my experience changed in Mediaportal?

Isentia is continuing to deliver AFR print and online media content to Mediaportal after February 19, utilising our market-leading relevance capabilities. This content includes the headline, first paragraph, and standard metadata on each media item to all clients whether they have individual subscriptions, or not. This means you can still see items from the AFR in Mediaportal in Feeds and Coverage, and include this content in reports and dashboards.

While media items from the AFR do appear in Mediaportal, to access online AFR articles you need to be logged into the Only AFR subscribers are able to view the PDF versions of newspaper items after they validate the email linked to their AFR subscription in the Mediaportal settings area. 

Isentia’s backend technology still has access to the full text from the AFR in order to deliver relevant items to your Mediaportal, and this text is fully searchable for all clients in personal folders and Feeds, and when searching on and off brief.

How has my experience changed in the Isentia App?

Like on the Mediaportal website, AFR content is delivered with the headline, first paragraph, and standard metadata on each media item. This means you can still see items from the AFR in the app in your feeds, and include this content in reports. The full item text is searchable when using the search feature and Feeds in the app. 

In line with the Mediaportal website, app users are able to link their AFR registered email address with the Isentia app. Only users with an AFR subscription can click through beyond the paywall or view print PDFs.

How has my experience changed in email alerts?

AFR content is included in email alerts, with the headline, first paragraph, and standard metadata available on each media item. The first paragraph is limited to the first 255 characters of articles from the AFR. This applies to users who receive Mediaportal Alerts, and for users who receive an older format of email alert, known as UMA.

Media items from the AFR look the same in your alerts but for online items, you’re no longer be able to click through beyond the paywall unless you have an AFR subscription.  When clicking on print items in alerts, AFR subscribers can validate their details and click through to the PDF.

How has my experience changed in Slice?

Slice is a budget-conscious tool provided by Isentia, with a basic media monitoring experience for users. From February 19th, no content from the AFR will be delivered to the Slice platform. Slice customers who wish to continue monitoring content from the AFR may wish to consider changing to a Mediaportal service. If you have feedback or wish to discuss your Slice service please contact the Isentia team via

How has my experience changed in Daily Briefing?

Daily Briefings give you a critical snapshot of the latest news, curated by our expert editorial team and personalised to your requirements. AFR content is included in Daily Briefings with the headline, first paragraph, and standard metadata available on each media item. The first paragraph is limited to the first 255 characters of articles from the AFR. 

Media items from the AFR look the same in your briefing but for online items, you’re no longer be able to click through beyond the paywall unless you have an AFR subscription. This applies to every single user from your organisation who clicks the link – they need to be logged into their personal or corporate subscription, or provide their subscriber email to access the content. 

Daily Briefings don’t include PDF versions or the full text of newspaper items. When clicking on print content from a Briefing, AFR subscribers can validate their details and click through to the PDF.  In PDF attachments, you’ll see a PDF with the headline, metadata and a link to a pop up where AFR subscribers can validate their details to see the content. 

What kind of AFR subscription do I need, and how do I purchase a subscription?

An individual with any type of AFR subscription will have access to full print and online items when clicking through from Isentia. You’ll be able to access these clips if you have an individual consumer subscription for yourself or if you’re part of a corporate subscription. Corporate subscriptions are for multiple users, with individual logins for each named user.  When using your Isentia service you can link your AFR subscription email for an integrated experience across Mediaportal and the Isentia app. Your AFR subscription does not need to include hardcopy newspaper delivery to view full print clips when accessing via Isentia. 

All subscriptions need to be organised directly with the AFR. If you have questions about the types of subscriptions available or if you’d like to discuss your requirements, you can contact Agos Garola, the Co-Head of Corporate Subscriptions & Licensing – Acting at the Australian Financial Review, via

How will AFR subscribers access full print and online items?

All Isentia customers can see the headline, first paragraph, and standard metadata on each media item from the AFR, regardless of whether they have an AFR subscription. If you’re an AFR subscriber, you can add your AFR registered email address to Mediaportal in the settings area. Linking your AFR subscription gives you an integrated experience across Mediaportal, and you’ll be able to click through to all print items.For online items, if you’re already logged into the AFR in your browser you can click straight through from Isentia to the article on the AFR website. If you’re not already logged in, you’ll hit the paywall where you can enter your details to view the article.